This is a toilet related device, it is found all over southeast Asia, in male and female bathrooms alike. I do not understand its purpose, it does not seem practical for any application. I do not appreciate its presence as it takes up the space of almost two normal stalls.
Last night I went for a 24 km Singaporean bike ride. I went hoping to travel around the island, getting a good look from the ground up, but we ended up only biking along the east coast. It was still a good time, the ride was organized by the church Adam has been going to and there were about one hundred people there. We split into three groups and took a bike path down the coastline. It took place at night to avoid the daytime heat; we didn't get back until about three. Nothing very exciting/unexpected happened. This is a completely unrelated photo of something I saw awhile back in the mall:
Here is a bit of the campus where all of my lectures take place:
I've got myself a number of projects that are all due at the same time in about a week. I don't really know what quality/quantity/content of work is expected so I am hoping my local teammates will bail me out la. Stay tuned for more nicely planned and structured blog entries.
The weird contraption is a bidet. You can look it up on Wikipedia.
ReplyDeleteThat's what people use in Asia to go to the toilet, they also have them in France. Just because you are not used to them don't accuse it being a waste of space as people do use them.
ReplyDeleteI know, sorry; I wasn't being serious about the waste of space. I was just mentioning them for the benefit of the silly Americans I know who have been sheltered from unique toilets.