Upon arrival in Hong Kong I was forced to go through another security checkpoint. I was unprepared for this and as a result had to spend some time emptying my pockets for an irate security woman. They took my toothpaste. They did not have a problem with my toothpaste at JFK but the Chinese must have had some personally bad experiences with toothpaste because they were having none if it. "Too big" they said. This was essentially the worst thing that happened to me on the trip so I guess that is a good thing.
I could not sleep on the plane for the first 16 hour portion ( not 20 as previously believed) because whenever I started to nod off I would either start to tip over or I would get elbowed in the head by the Chinese woman next to me who spoke no English. I managed a couple hours of sleep on the second portion thanks to bucket-like headrests, but I was still dead tired. I am used to more than 2 hours of sleep in a 32 hour timespan. Of course when I got to my room I was no longer sleepy.
ReplyDeleteYou are forcing me to become techno saavy! I am now blogging I presume? I was not saavy enough to add a photo as your beautiful sister did. So does everyone see this or just you? Your blog was funny. I am so glad you arrived safe and sound. Happy New Year and hope you got some rest. We are celebrating Nora's 16th birthday today. She had 7 girls sleep over last night!
Aunt Alyssa
I'm glad you are so savvy, savviness is quite a desirable attribute. I believe anyone you views the blog can also read all comments just so you know. Happy new years to you too and I wish Nora a happy birthday.