It turns out my roommate is a fellow RPI student. I had thought it would be nice to have an exchange student from another country like Europe but I think this will be good. My roommate Sam seems very friendly and he is also extremely generous. I am already 180 dollars in debt. Apparently no one here accepts traveler's checks, despite our adviser's recommendation to bring large quantities of money in traveler's check form. Later today I am going with a few RPI mates to an HSBC bank where they will supposedly accept them.
The other night I went with a dozen other exchange students to Little India. This is essentially the entire country of India squeezed into maybe one square mile. I've never actually been to India so I can't directly compare but I guess they have a lot of shops there. India's economy must consist entirely of a complex, chaotic, giant conglomerate of shops. I forgot to bring my camera so I took this picture from the Internet to give a general idea.
I still need to buy toothpaste and an alarm clock among other things.
Woot i'm commenting:) Only because I just figured out how to do it. Don't worry Aunt Alyssa (if you're reading this), I'm not much better at these things than you. I'm sorry those crazy Chinese stole your toothpaste. I hope you've managed to find some by this point cuz otherwise I really doubt you'll be representin the way you hoped to. Miss you Petee